The human body consists of more than 600 muscles that form almost half of the body weight. This Bodytomy write-up provides a few interesting facts about the human muscular system.
The musculoskeletal system of the human body constitutes the skeleton and the muscles. The skeleton comprises bones and cartilage that form the frame for the body, whereas the muscles are bundles of fibers that facilitate movement. Joints form when two or more bones connect. Muscles are connected to their respective bony attachments by bands of inelastic tissue called tendons. While some muscles are autonomous, the contraction of most muscles is controlled by the nervous system. The muscles not only facilitate the movement of the body, they are also responsible for other vital processes such as the pumping of the blood by the heart. Also, the muscles in the walls of organs of the digestive system are responsible for the movement of food along the digestive tract. Thus, the muscles are extremely essential for the proper functioning of the human body. We are able to walk, run, jump, sit, stand, smile, or frown only due to the contraction and relaxation of muscles.
One of the interesting facts of the muscular system is that some of the muscles are voluntary, while other are involuntary. Voluntary muscles can be controlled by us, while involuntary muscles function by themselves. The latter are controlled by the nervous system. Muscles which control your heart movement, digestive system, respiratory system, and other internal organs are involuntary. On the other hand, facial muscles, and the muscles present in the hands and feet are voluntary.
Facts about Muscles
Three types of muscles are found in the human body. These include:
Skeletal Muscle
➻ The human body contains more than 600 skeletal muscles.
➻ All skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton.
➻ These muscles function in pairs. While one muscle makes the body part go in one direction, the other gets it back to the original position.
➻ These muscles are voluntary, which means that their contraction is under voluntary control. The voluntary control of the movement of the body through the skeletal muscles is under the somatic nervous system (SoNS), which is a part of the peripheral nervous system.
➻ These muscles are capable of performing short, long, and single contractions.
Smooth Muscles
➻ Smooth muscles are present in the internal organs that constitute the digestive and respiratory system.
➻ These are capable of stretching, and also maintaining tension over a considerable period of time.
➻ These muscles are involuntary muscles. It means we do not have control over them. They are controlled directly by the body’s nervous system.
Cardiac Muscles
➻ As the name suggests, cardiac muscles are present only in the human heart.
➻ These are capable of contracting like skeletal muscles, and stretching like smooth muscles.
➻ Cardiac muscles are largely twitch muscles, which means they only perform short single contractions.
➻ Similar to smooth muscles, cardiac muscles are also involuntary. Hence, we do not have any control over them.
Interesting Facts about the Muscular System for Kids
➻ There are more than 30 facial muscles, which help us express emotions such as happiness, surprise, and sadness on the face.
➻ It takes 17 facial muscles to smile, while 42 facial muscles are involved when you frown.
➻ The busiest muscles in your body are the eye muscles. These approximately move more than 100,000 times in a day.
➻ The gluteus maximus muscle, which is located in the buttocks, is the largest muscle in the human body.
➻ About 40% of your body weight is accounted for by muscles.
➻ Contrary to what people assume, muscles do not push, but can only pull.
➻ The longest muscle of the body contains cells that are more than a foot in length.
➻ Muscles in the middle of the ear are the smallest muscles present in the human body.
➻ Masseters or chewing muscles are the strongest muscles in the body.
➻ Goose bumps appear due to tiny muscles present at the bottom of hair.
➻ Muscles require food and oxygen to function properly.
➻ The movement of eyes is due to muscles called superior rectus, inferior rectus, superior oblique, inferior oblique, lateral rectus, and medial rectus.
➻ Starorious is the longest muscle in the human body.
➻ Most of the muscles in the human body are attached to bones.
➻ As the body gets cold, heat is generated due to shivering, which causes rapid muscle contractions.
On a concluding note, muscles play a vital role, which is why one must follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen to keep them in a good condition. Don’t put excessive stress on them, as these could develop tears, thereby leading to a muscle strain.